Tips and Tricks for Gamblers
One of the most common requests I get is for Magickal assistance with lottery, gambling, etc. (and yes, the stock market factors into this as well because realistically, it's just a more white collar way to gamble). And while I do have solutions for this, from powders to talismans, rituals to empowerments, I wanted to put together some simple things you can do to help get an edge. Let's start with an oil.
This formula is called Three Jacks and a King Oil. It is a classic formula for getting an edge in games of chance. Mix this recipe up and keep it out of direct sunlight. Rub a little on your hands before buying your ticket or sitting down at the card table.
1/2 cup Almond oil
5 drops Cinnamon oil
5 drops Carnation oil
5 drops Wisteria oil
5 drops Orange oil
(To get even more traditional, replace the oils with a few pinches of each of these herbs)
Second, we have the classic Lucky Hand Gris Gris. Add the following items to a green satchet, feed it with a few drops of an oil, alcohol, or water daily (the formula above is ideal for this), and pray your intentions into it. Keep it on your person when you're playing.
Gator Paw
Lucky Hand
Dirt from a Bank
Finally, it never hurts to have some divine help. So, before setting out, make a small invocation for luck to Hermes, Lakshmi, or Thoth and ask for their blessings and favor as you seek fortune.
Good luck!