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The Solar Spell Bag

This is the first of a series of posts I'm calling 31 Days of Spellcrafting. I've realized that, in the last decade or so that I have been working for other people, I have slowly cut back on work I do for myself, until I realized recently that I haven't really done any spell work for myself at all in a while. And that makes me a bit sad, as sorcery is my passion in life. Well, with the recent changes to the shop and my lifestyle, I have a lot more time to work for myself again. So, to jumpstart the proverbial getting back on the horse, I am setting up 31 days of spell work. These will mostly be original spells that I have created and will be performing, and I will be sharing them with all of you to try for yourself. We will also be having discussions and field reports concerning these spells in the discord group, so if you'd like to participate, join us and jump in! And who knows, maybe some of these will make it to the storefront in a limited capacity.

This first spell is a solar-based spell. While it can be tailored for any specific aspect of solar work, this one is specifically being made to improve my position at work, as well as to draw new clients both to my shop and to my employer.

Begin with a square of yellow cloth, perhaps 4 inches across. In the center of it, draw the seal of the sun. I will be using a sorcerous seal from a secret current, but any sigil of the sun will work, or you can draw out the kamea of the sun. Take this cloth outside into the sun, where the rays of the sun can shine directly into the seal. Above this, make the triangle of manifestation mudra so that the sun shines through the triangle onto the cloth. (If you are unfamiliar with this mudra, it is simple. Form a triangle with your hands by touching the tips of your thumbs together to form one side, and then bring your fingertips together to form the full triangle.) Make this invocation to the sun:

"Hail to the great Lord Helios, in your chariot of fire. Shine your power down upon me and place your fiery hand upon this cloth. In this day and hour, in this very moment, ignite it to blaze with the glory of your chariot."

Recite this incantation either 6, 21, or 36 times. Then, take it back to your working area if it is inside, or if you are working outside, gather up your materials for the next phase.

On top of the seal, place a pinch of calendula, chamomile, lemon peel, Rosemary, and orange peel. You can also add a piece of iron pyrite or gold if you have it (I'm using an old ring). Additionally, on a piece of parchment, mark the seal of the sun on one side and a petition concerning your exact needs on the other. Add this to the other ingredients, or if you'd like, burn it to ash and add the ash. If you're making this for someone else, you will also want to add a link to them, such as a lock of hair, a picture, their name, etc.

With your components added, fold the cloth up. You can either fold the sides in to form a square, or pick the corners up so that you create a ball of materia. Either way, fold your cloth in and tie it with yellow ribbon or thread. Secure it well so that everything doesn't fall out, and you should be left with a yellow packet. Now, we get to the fun part.

Mark out a triangle outside. You can do this with chalk, stones, cord, or anything else, as long as you can form a triangle large enough to sit in comfortably with your packet in the center of the triangle. Close your eyes and face the sun. Do not stare into it with open eyes, it will blind you. Let the sunlight shine through your closed eyelids, flooding your body with its warmth. Meditate and focus on that connection until you are bursting with solar energy. Then form the Triangle of Manifestation mudra again and focus that light into your hands. Bring them down over the packet and let that energy flow into the bag, empowering and consecrating it. As you do, chant "EEEEE", which is the Greek vowel Iota, seed syllable of the sun. Intone Iota until you feel the sun energy fill the bag completely, then quickly pull your hands away and snap your fingers to seal the consecration.

Afterwards, feed your packet daily with a few drops of sunflower oil, fluid condenser, alcohol, or a conditioning oil suited to your purpose.

This does not have to be done at any particular time, except that it obviously must be done during daylight hours. However, you can coordinate this to be in the day and hour of the Sun for a pure solar talisman, or experiment with combinations of the days and hours for different effects. If, for instance, the goal of this talisman is to draw new love, you might do this in the hour of Venus on the day of the sun. If you are making this to help you deal with opposition, you might make it in the hour of the sun on the day of Mars. Personally, I will be making this on the day and hour of the sun for it's initial charge, and then I will reconsecrate it on the day of Jupiter in the hour of the sun to give it the intrinsic qualities I want it to have for my purposes.

That's about it. Happy crafting!

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Nov 24, 2024
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Gratitude ☀️🔋✊🏾

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