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The Sacrifice for Power

One of the most common questions I received as an attunement seller is, "is this system complicated?" Variations of this question include: "are there long mantras?" "Is it easy to use?" "Will I have to work for this?" And, I understand on one level why this matters. People want power for free. Unfortunately, that isn't how power works. There are a great many Attunements that are autonomous, or have Activation phrases, but the simple truth is that the good ones, the strong ones, usually have mantras or meditations or some other form of integration work that are required to use the power they give. For instance, the Way of the Phurba, which I wrote about in my last post, doesn't make it to where you can use a Phurba any old way and have it work. Instead, it empowers you to my lineage to be able to use the Phurba in the prescribed ways. You still must learn and use the ritual to make it work for you, that doesn't change. Most powerful Attunements follow this same principle. But why?

The simple answer is, there is always a price for power. The question you have to ask yourself is, are you willing to pay that price? Is it worth reciting mantras every night for a month to have the protection of a Khodam? Is it worth learning a ritual to be able to stake down any obstacle? Is it worth sacrificing a bit of your time for immense power? In my experience, the answer to that question for most is, no. And that is fine. Not everyone is called to the higher work. But for those who are, for those who are meant to step into their role as lightworker, shaman, sorcerer, whatever, those are the ones who do not even ask. They are the ones that know that paying the price is just part of the climb to power.

And this doesn't just have to do with attunements, it is related to every aspect of the occult. If you want power, you must be willing to sacrifice. That is why professionals tend to cost so much- we struggled and fought and bled for our power, so it isn't something we value low. Consider this the next time you are contemplating an endeavor: it may be hard, but is it worth it?


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