The Levels of Drisana
The numerous subattunements within Drisana are more than I can fit into a single listing! So, I have added this post to lay them out. If you are interested in the 341 attunements of Drisana, you may find it in my shop, here:
Drisana 1:
Kundalini Shakti
2. Angelic Forces
3. Alleviation of Karma
4. Cosmic Union with God
5. Monadic True self
6. Atmic – Spirit
7. Buddhic – Soul
8. Mental
9. Emotional
10. Physical
11. First Light
12. Activation by will alone
13. Light Carrying capacity
14. Mental Imagery Attunement
15. Heart centre Enhancement
16. Etheric Heart Attunement
17. Triangulation Attunement
18. Soul Star Attunement
19. Soul Contact Attunement
20. Chakra Release Attunement
21. Star Tetrahedron Attunement
22. Stabilization Shakti
23. Power setting Attunement
24. Drisana Absentee Symbol Attunement
25. Mode Setting Attunement
26. Transdimentionality Attunement
27. Meditation Attunement
28. Samadhi Attunement (Union with God)
29. Mental Control of Energy Attunement
30. Drisana 7th Ray Initiation
Drisana 2:
Alleviation of karma 2
2. Angelic forces 2
3. Opening Nadi strands
4. Light carrying capacity 2
5. Activation by will alone 2
6. Energy system enhancement
7. Mental control level 2
8. Mental imagery 2
9. Relaxation attunement
10-16. Seven subplanes level 2
17. Second light
18. Heart enhancement 2
19. Etheric heart enhancement 2
20. Throat enhancement
21. Soul contact 2
22. Solar angel attunement
23. Soul star 2
24. Channel building 2
25. Meditation Attunement 4-7
26. Samadhi level 2
27. Transdimensionality 2
28. Manifestation attunement
29. Manifestation symbol
30. Drisana 6th Ray
Drisana 3:
Alleviation of karma 3
2. Angelic forces 3
3. Opening Nadi strands- third strand
4. Light carrying capacity 3
5. Activation by will alone 3
6. Energy system enhancement 2
7. Mental control level 3
8. Mental imagery 3
9. Relaxation attunement 2
10. Emotional Processing 2
11-17. Seven subplanes level 3
18. Third light
19. Heart enhancement 3
20. Etheric heart enhancement 3
21. Throat enhancement 2
22. Brow Enhancement
23. Dream Programming Attunement
24. Soul contact 3
25. Solar angel attunement 2
26. Soul star 3
27. Channel building 3
28. Samadhi level 3
29. Transdimensionality 3
30. Manifestation 2
31. Manifestation Shakti 2
32. Mental Sheath Clearing
33. Thoughtform Bath
34. Forgiveness 2
35. Chakra release 3
36. Power setting 3
37. Absentee Symbol 3
38. Reduction of self sabotage 2
39. Divine will Shakti
40. Mental fortification Shakti
41. Brain Supercharging Shakti
42. Attunement for Running Energies While Sleeping
43. Mental Functions Shakti
44. Subtle Body Integration
45. Individualized work on Etheric body
46. Star tetrahedron 3
47. Drisana 5th Ray
Drisana 4:
1. Alleviation of Karma, Level 4.
2. Angelic forces attunements, Level 4.
3. Opening up strands - fourth strand.
4. Light carrying capacity, Levels 4
5. Activation by will alone, Level 4
6. Energy system enhancement attunement, Level 3.
7. Mental control, Level 4.
8. Mental imagery, Level 4
9. Relaxation attunement, Level 3.
10. Emotional processing attunement, Level 3
11-17. Seven attunements for subplanes of Buddhic plane
18. Fourth light
19. Heart enhancement, Level 4.
20. Etheric heart, Level 4.
21. Throat enhancement, Level 3.
22. Brow enhancement, Level 2.
23. Crown enhancement
24. Soul contact attunement, Level 4.
25. Solar angel attunement, Level 3
26. Soul star attunement, Level 4.
27. Channel building attunement, Level 4
28. Samadhi (enlightenment) attunement, Level 4.
29. Transdimensionality, Level 4.
30. Manifestation attunement, Level 3.
31. Manifestation shakti, Level 3.
32. Causal sheath clearing.
33. Thought form bath, Level 2
34. Forgiveness attunement, Level 3.
35. Granular chakra release, Level 1
36. Personality atom attunement.
37. Power setting, Level 4
38. Absentee symbol, Level 4.
39. Reduction of self-sabotage, Level 3
40. Mental functions shakti, Level 2.
41. Prana kundalini shakti
42. Buddhic circuitry attunement.
43. Buddhic plane connection attunement.
44. Buddhic plane grounding attunement.
45. Buddhic plane integration attunement-
46. Buddhic triangle attunement
47. Buddhic ray- Buddhic bath attunement
48. Buddhic DNA attunement.
49. Buddhic cell attunement.
50. Drisana Light Body System (~15 attunements)
51. Meditation sphere attunement.
52. Individualized energy work on etheric and emotional bodies
53. star tetrahedron attunement, Level 4.
54. Fourth ray initiation
Drisana 5:
1. Alleviation of Karma, Level 5
2. Angelic forces attunement, Level 5
3. Opening up strands - fifth strand
4. Light carrying capacity, Level 5
5. Activation by will alone, Level 5
6. Energy system enhancement attunement, Level 4
7. Mental control, Level 5
8. Mental imagery, Level 5
9. Relaxation attunement, Level 4
10. Star tetrahedron attunement, Level 5
11. Fifth Light
12. Organ seeds attunement
13. Heart enhancement, Level 5
14. Etheric heart, Level 5
15. Throat enhancement, Level 4
16. Brow enhancement, Level 3
17. Base chakra enhancement
18. Higher mind attunement
19. Soul contact, Level 5
20. Solar angel attunement, Level 4
21. Soul star attunement, Level 5
22. Channel building attunement, Level 5
23. Samadhi (enlightenment) attunement, Level 5
24. Transdimensionality, Level 5
25. Manifestation attunement, Level 4
26. Manifestation shakti, Level 4
27. Brain de-armoring shakti
28. Emotional Processing, Level 4
29. Granular chakra release, Level 2
30. Power setting, Level 5 (16-20)
31. Absentee symbol, Level 5
32. Reduction of self-sabotage, Level 4
33. Mental functions shakti, Level 3
34. Spiral purification attunement
35. Attunements for making the seven subplanes of the Atmic plane more self- cleaning and self-balancing.
36. Skeletal transformation attunement
37. Atmic circuitry attunement
38. Atmic plane connection attunement
39. Atmic plane grounding attunement
40. Atmic plane integration attunement
41. Atmic triangle attunement
42. Soul star transformation attunement, Level 5
43. Atmic ray attunement
44. Atmic bath attunement
45. Atmic DNA attunement
46. Atmic cell attunement
47. Thymic soul/spirit attunement
48. Thought Form Bath, Level 3
49. Forgiveness attunement, Level 3
49. Individualized work on etheric, emotional and mental bodies
50. Drisana Third Ray Initiation
Drisana 6:
1. Alleviation of Karma, Level 6
2. Angelic forces attunement, Level 6
3. Opening up strands - sixth strand
4. Light carrying capacity, Level 6
5. Activation by will alone, Level 6
6. Energy system enhancement attunement, Level 5
7. Mental control, Level 6
8. Mental imagery, Level 6
9. Relaxation attunement, Level 5
10. Star tetrahedron attunement, Level 6
11-17Seven attunements for 7 subplanes of monadic plane
18. Sixth Light: well-being, vitality & tonification & stronger soul energy
19. Heart enhancement, Level 6
20. Etheric heart, Level 6
21. Throat enhancement, Level 5
22. Brow enhancement, Level 4
23. Crown Chakra enhancement, Level 3
24. Base chakra enhancement, Level 2
25. Second chakra enhancement, Level 1
26. Soul contact, Level 6
27. Solar angel attunement, Level 5
28. Soul star attunement, Level 6
29. Channel building attunement, Level 6
30. Samadhi (enlightenment) attunement, Level 6
31. Transdimensionality, Level 6
32. Manifestation attunement, Level 5
33. Manifestation shakti, Level 5
34. Thought Form Bath, Level 4
35. Forgiveness Attunement, Level 5.
36. Granular chakra release, Level 3
37. Power setting, Level 5 (21-25)
38. Absentee symbol, Level 6
39. Reduction of self-sabotage, Level 5
40. Mental functions shakti, Level 4
41. Samskara Pyramid, Level 1
42. Personality Reintegration attunement
43. Monadic circuitry attunement
44. Monadic plane connection attunement
45. Monadic plane grounding attunement
46. Monadic plane integration attunement
47. Monadic triangle attunement
48. Monadic Ray - Monadic Bath Attunement
49. Monadic Spectrum Attunement
50. Monadic DNA
51. Monadic cell attunement
52. Monadic Meditation Attunement
53 First Ray Aspect of Monad
54. Second Ray Aspect of Monad
55. Third Ray Aspect of Monad
56. Integration of First, Second and Third Ray aspects of Monad
57. Monadic Heart Attunement - unification (Physical, emotional & mental)
58. Monadic Liver Attunement - self expression
59. Monadic Filament System Attunement
60. Alignment of the Monad and the Personality Atom
61 Monadic Will Attunement
63. Solar Monad Attunement
64. Monadic Fire Attunement
65. Star Tetrahedron Attunement, Level 6
66. Drisana Second Ray Initiation
67. Individualized work on etheric, emotional and mental bodies
Drisana 7:
1. Opening transmission from T.K.
2. Alleviation of Karma Level 7
3. Angelic Forces Level 7
4. Opening Nadi strands - seventh strand
5. Light carrying capacity Level 7
6. Activation by will alone Level 7
7. Energy system enhancement Level 6
8. Mental control of energy Level 7
9. Mental imagery Level 7
10. Relaxation attunement Level 6
11. Emotional processing attunement Level 6
12-18. Seven Attunements
19. Seventh Light
20. Heart enhancement Level 7
21. Etheric enhancement Level 7
22. Throat enhancement Level 6
23. Brow enhancement Level 5
24. Crown enhancement Level 4
25. Base chakra enhancement Level 3
26. Second chakra enhancement Level 2
27. Third chakra enhancement
28. Soul contact attunement Level 7
29. Solar angel attunement Level 6
30. Soul star attunement Level 7
31. Channel building attunement Level 7
32. Samadhi attunement Level 7
33. Transdimensionality Level 7
34. Manifestation attunement Level 6
35. Manifestation shakti Level 6
36. Thought form bath Level 5
37. Forgiveness attunement Level 6
38. Granular chakra release Level 4
39. Power setting attunement Level 4 (26-30)
40. Absentee symbol attunement Level 7
41. Reduction of self sabotage Level 6
42. Mental functions shakti Level 5
43. Cosmic circuitry attunement
44. Cosmic plane completion attunement
45. Cosmic plane connection attunement
46. Cosmic plane grounding attunement
47. Cosmic plane integration attunement
48. Cosmic triangle attunement
49. Cosmic Ray - Cosmic Bath attunement
50. Cosmic DNA attunement
51. Cosmic cell attunement
52. Corpus callosum attunement (promotes integration between the cerebral
53. Etheric brain restructuring attunement
54. Causal heart meditation attunement
55. Emotional body reconstitution attunement
56. Mental body reconstitution attunement
57. Samskaric vortex attunement
58. Personality atom attunement
59. Ray rebalancing of the internal organs attunement
60. Strand modification attunement
61. Cosmic plane meditation attunement
62. Star tetrahedron attunement Level 7
63. First ray initiation