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Order of the Earth Keepers Circle

The Order of the Earth Keepers Circle of the Asaga Medicine Society are true Guardians of the Earth working to protect and heal the earth, and to teach people how to honor and respect her. Their work focuses on preservation of nature and maintaining balance between the world of modernity and the ancient natural world. This group works with powerful nature spirits to right the wrongs humanity has wrought to our mother. If you are interested in learning more about this sacred Order, and about ways to better serve our Mother Earth, then contact me for more information. This is from the previous High Priestess for this Order:

“The Earth Keepers are guided by the Asaga Elders, Ganesha, and the Shaman Grandmothers. The Shaman Grandmothers and Ganesha are about Earth energy and the raw potential of creation. Asaga Elders share their symbols and wisdom. We work with Plants, Trees, Animals, People, Stones, Water, Land and more. We heal, protect, bless, energize, communicate, co-create and preserve etc. The study and use of the Medicine Wheel has been tasked to us from the Asaga Elders. There will be lessons and projects to go with all of these subjects. Two things have come up for me recently in relation to this Order and myself. Both of these are concerning Monsanto and their GMO’s. The first is that it is time to think about ordering seeds for our next gardens and properties and the second is about protecting habitats for bees. We need to grow heirloom and open-pollinated seeds, not GMO hybrids.


High Priestess Uji Inage-i (Cherokee: Mother of the Wilderness)”



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