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Money Magick

Let's begin the year with a post about everyone's favorite topic: how to get rich with Magick!

Well, not quite, but how to use Magick to tilt the scales in your favor. See, Magick (with very few exceptions) won't make you rich, not overnight. I have known a great many magicians, many of whom were far better than me, and none of them won the lottery. Of course, most of them didn't play the lottery either as they recognized it as a poor choice, but those that gambled in other ways never walked away from a table with a million dollars. However, they were able to increase their odds and win more than they lost. And that's the secret of all Magick: it isn't a miracle, it's probability manipulation.

Let's say, for instance, that you have a 2% chance of pulling a three of a kind in Texas Hold 'em. (That's just about the actual percentage, actually.) Luck Magick won't make it so that you have a 100% chance, but it could increase your odds to 10, 20, or even 30%. And that is what my friends will do: they will perform luck rituals before going out, dress themselves with oils for good luck, and carry talismans in their pocket. And sure, they may lose some, but they also win a good bit, they tend to walk away with more than they came with.

So what does that mean for you? Should you abandon your hopes of hitting it big? Yeah, probably. But you shouldn't give up on Magick altogether. Magick adjusts likely outcomes, tilts tables, and occasionally makes small miracles. Money Magick can get you raises, promotions, side gigs, and winnings in games of chance, but where it really shines is through businesses. If you happen to own a business, you can skyrocket your potential through money Magick. But even if not, you can still make use of it. So today, we will look at a simple luck ritual, a luck oil, and finally, a luck charm to help you increase your material wealth.

Simple Luck Ritual

On Thursday, in first hour after sunrise or sunset, lay out a blue square (if metal, it should be tin; otherwise, it can be fabric or construction paper). At each corner, place a blue candle. On top of the blue square, lay out a piece of paper with the Jupiter sigil (shown below) and light the candles. Sit in quiet meditation for a moment, and then intone: "By the power of Jupiter, the King of Gods and Holder of Treasure, I call down the rays of abundance from Jupiter's light! Fill me with your fortune, and draw your radiant wealth into my hands!" Sit in meditation for a few more minutes as the energy flows, then extinguish your candles, fold the seal up, and put it in your pocket, wallet, or purse. You can refresh this charge every week if you would so like to keep the money flowing.

Simple Luck Oil

To four ounces of safflower oil, add:

1 lodestone

1 tsp of calendula

1 tsp peppermint leaves

1 tsp nutmeg

1 tsp sandalwood

Shake well, and store out of direct sunlight. Anoint yourself before asking for promotions, gambling, or undertaking any other financial ventures.

Simple Luck Charm

There are actually numerous good luck charms you can use, but this one is a favorite of mine:

Into a green pouch, place a gator paw, a lodestone, a dollar bill, a bit of gold leaf, and a pinch of calendula. Close the pouch and carry it in your pocket to draw wealth to you.

Good Luck!


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