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Making the Most of Your Talismans

One of the most common questions I get is, "How do I use this talisman?" And generally speaking, most of them simply need to be worn or carried, and that is all most people want to hear. However, for those precious few who wish to go further, there are things you can do to enhance your talismans. The specifics will largely depend upon the nature of the talisman, of course, as you aren't going to get much benefit by using Sanskrit mantras with Vodou talismans and so on, but the basics are the same.

  1. Charge them: this most simple action is often much easier than people think. Consult with the seller, of course, but most talismans can be given a quick charge by leaving them in the light of the full moon. They can also be given offerings of liquor, wine, perfume, and incense.

  2. Wear them during ritual: if you are the sort to ask this question, chances are you also do some Magick yourself. Wearing a talisman that is appropriate to the ritual being done will not only lend power to the ritual, but also give the talisman a bit of a boost as well.

  3. Cleanse them: one of the neat things about talismans is, in the course of adjusting reality, they often pick up a bit of negativity along the way. This build up can occasionally cause issues for you in getting the most out of it. To prevent this, every so often you should cleanse your crystals with sage, pine needles, Palo Santo, or some other cleansing herb, or with Florida water or holy water if it is safe to do so with your talisman. Again, consult the seller.

All in all, talismans are wonderful all on their own, with no major input from the owner. But ultimately, you can get so much more out of them with just a few simple exercises.


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