Kali Naga Sorcery Levels
To collect all of the information for this system in one place, I have decided to separate it into a post. You can find the original listing here: https://www.thedragonshaman.net/product-page/kali-naga-sorcery
The Order of the Cobra Initiation
Prerequisite: Kali Naga Shamanic Power 4
This Initiation process takes you through a series of exercises leading beyond just mere Awakening to Self-Realisation, and on to the process of gaining full Enlightenment in this lifetime. The attunement process covers energies for each of the following: Awakening, Transition, Self-Realization, and Enlightenment which is gained by overcoming the Fear of Death.
The Order of the Dragon of Earth Initiation
Prerequisite: The Order of the Cobra Initiation
Also known as the "Dragon-Naga Bei Empowerment", this Initiation has only been offered once to a select few Mahakali Odiyyas outside of the Himalayas, and now it is available to you. In it you will receive alliances with the Naga and Nagini rulers of the Nine Realms and Elements of the Underworld, and specifically with the Grand Naga and Grand Nagini who rule over the Element of Spirit. It is this alliance that makes all other alliances in the Nine Realms, and safe passage there, possible.
The Order of the Dragons of Air Initiation
Prerequisite: The Order of the Dragons of Earth Initiation
The Dragons of the Air are Masters of Chaos, and use the winds to do their work. They just as easily send someone a a gentle, cooling breeze as send them a raging tornado or hurricaine. They can bring together a gentle rain, or they can slam the clouds together to make thunder, lightning, hail and violent, slashing rain, ice or snow.
In this initiation you will receive an alliance with the Dragons of the Air, and you will learn how to work with these beings as well as learn how to gain the ability touse the power ofthe Air to you advantage for healing, empowerment and as a weapon.
The Power of the Aghori Djinn initiation
Prerequisite: The Order of the Dragons of Air Initiation
Read the "Aghora Philosophy" page before ordering this Initiation. If you do not accept the Path of the Aghora as your own then do NOT order this Initiation as the Aghora Djinn are very ancient and powerful Elemental Fire Dragons, and they have no tolerance for anyone who is not completely dedicated to Mahakali and her service. However, if you are so dedicated then you will be well rewarded for recieving this Initiation.
According to the great Magyar Sorcerer Peter Aziz, “…an Aghora Djinn is a rather dark and dangerous djinn (Fire Dragon) that can only be controlled by rituals to Kali…It’s specialty is death and destruction, protection, purification, healing, and the building of occult power." In this course you will be taught how to call upon them to assist you, and one will be assigned to work with you personally by the King of the Aghora Djinn. You will also learn how to gain access to each of the five specialties of the Aghora Djinn.
The Order of the Dragon of Water Initiation
Prerequisite: The Power of the Aghori Djinn Initiation
The Dragon of Water Initiation will connect you to the powerful beings who can be the gentlest of creatures and yet can also unleash raging torrents in the lives of those who oppose their will. Some of those "raging torrents" come in the formof spirits known as Golems. These are not the indecisive creatures such as the one by that name in the Lord of the Ring Trilogy, but is a very powerful form of spirit that you create and train to serve you.
The Order of the Celestial Dragon Initiation
Prerequisite: The Order of the Dragons of Water Initiation
This Initiation forges an alliance for you with Dragar Atoll, the King of the Celestial Dragons from the seventh sun of the Pleadies. Dragar has ruled over many of the great Mystery Schools of this planet in the spirit world as well as many others on distant planets, and this alliance will make it possible to access the combined wisdom and knowledge of all of these great organizations.
The Order of the Cosmic Dragon Initiation
Prerequisite: The Order of the Celestial Dragon Initiation
This Initiation forges a connection between you and the Original Mind which began the process of Creation as we know it allowing you to tap into the Ageless Wisdom of the Dragons known as the "Ancients" who have existed for millions of years before the birth of our universe, and the multi-verses of which we are a very small part here on the earth.