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Dragon Shaman Q&A Session 3

Here we are again! You've sent in your questions, now it's time to have them answered! Remember, if you have questions, send me an email at with the subject line "Q&A Session Questions" and I'll take note of your submission. Not every question may get answered, but I'll do my best to answer everything as publicly as possible. And afterwards, if you do want to pursue dialogue on one of these, drop a comment or send me a message and we'll get into it. I will also start drawing these out of the Q&A channel on the discord server, so if you would like to participate, join us!

Q- Do you accept students outside of the apprenticeships listed on the website?

A- On a case by case basis, yes. Similar rules apply, and what the students receive is limited due to many things being initiatory. Those wishing to ask about becoming students, rather than full apprentices, can send a contact form and we can discuss what you can learn. The best focus we can do in that regard is Javanese Magick, the levels of Candali, Drisana, or something like that, but I am flexible.

Q- You used to offer (these talismans). Will you offer them again?

A- Not likely. Old products are phased out when there is no more interest in them or when I run out of stock. Due to difficulty with logistics in shipping, I am greatly reducing my physical product arm in general, but if something is not showing in the store, it is not planned to return. If it shows out of stock, it probably will be back eventually. That said, I also take custom requests, so if you want something like the old style, let me know and we will make it happen.

Q- I don't want to wear my talisman because of reasons. Is there any other way for it to be effective?

A- Certainly. They can also be carried in a purse or left on an altar. As long as they are near you, or in your spiritual microcosm, they will be effective.

Q- I want an attunement that does the same thing that this one does, but made by you. Can I have that as a custom request?

A- No. There are many reasons I won't do that, but the main one is, someone else has already created this energy, and trying to copy it like that would likely get us both into major spiritual trouble.

Q- I want a talisman that does the same thing that this one does, but made by you. Can I have that as a custom request?

A- In most cases, yes. However, if the talisman you want comes from an official affiliate or personal friend, I would rather you go to them instead of me.

Q- Why can't you give me a 100% guarantee?

A- Legal reasons, mostly. Magick is more of an art than a science, and sometimes, things simply don't work out, no matter how good you are. And I really don't want to get sued just because something didn't manifest in the timeline you wanted it to, or at all.

Q- You have a lot of attunements listed. How do you keep up with all of them?

A- Partially a trade secret, due to training from my order, and partially due to using the Multimaster Attunement and the Drisana system. These systems help tremendously with working with many different attunements much more easily than traditional methods. They aren't a true substitute, as in my opinion doing the work is always stronger, but they still work to keep the energy strong.


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