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Dragon Shaman Q&A Session 1

Recently, I put out a call in my newsletter for anything you'd like to see in these articles. And while I got some responses, one of them included a litany of questions which would not make much sense for a full post on each one. So instead, I've decided to start doing these little q&a sessions! These aren't consultations, I'm not sending the answers back and opening a dialogue. Instead, I'm noting these down and assembling a q&a article to share with the world. So, if you've got questions that you don't mind being shared publicly, shoot me an email at with the subject line, "Q&A Session Questions" and I'll take note of your submission. Not every question may get answered, but I'll do my best to answer everything as publicly as possible. And afterwards, if you do want to pursue dialogue on one of these, drop a comment or send me a message and we'll get into it. With all of that said, let's dive in...

If a client wanted you to perform something unethical or illegal on his behalf, then would you do it in return for money? -This is a bit of a gray area. In the past, I have done such things, but I have lines I won't cross. And those lines have gotten more and more defined as I've gotten older. So, generally speaking, no, I do not take on things I consider unethical, regardless of the price. And this is something that I feel needs to be restated: this shop isn't necessarily about money. Yes, I charge, but I also give a ton of free advice and work, and I answer countless questions, all freely, because this shop is really to help people and make a difference. I have often been asked if I was paid double, would I do something I initially declined, and the answer is NO. my ethics aren't for sale. Now, would I help someone get out of court or jail time for something they've already done? Sure. But that's about as far as my forays into the unethical go these days.

If a client wanted to be a part of the ritual, then would you allow it? Can he visit you and watch the ritual you perform on his behalf in person? -This is a case by case question. There are some people I trust enough that I would welcome into my temple for such a thing. There are some people I will do work for, but they would not be allowed into the ritual area. And there are some people I outright refuse to work for or with. I will refund purchases, block accounts, and do whatever I have to do to avoid working with them because I don't want to mingle with their karma or their energy. And, I have also refused sales from folks who have tried to have my work on a situation alongside another magician that I don't wish to work with. Again, ethics aren't for sale, and I don't go against my terms regardless of the money spent.

Do you accept only money as payment? Or would you accept physical items or services? -I have very rarely accepted barters. But the trade must be something interesting, worth my time, and most importantly, useful. For instance, I would not perform a $300 ritual for a bag of jewels worth $300 because I don't know a fence to sell them to and I might get less than the value back. But interesting artifacts and relics from the world of the occult? I might consider such a bargain. Occasionally, I have also accepted trades for energy systems, but again, this is a rare deal, and I have to be interested in the system being offered. It is much better to do a deal with cold, hard cash and be done with it.

If a person wanted you to convince him that Mahakali really exists or magick and sorcery really work, then what would you do? -I wouldn't. I don't want to convince anyone, and I don't accept challenges. I have turned many people away because they said something along the lines of, "I want to pay you $1,000 for a ritual, but first, do a reading and tell me my middle name to prove you are legitimate." Could I? Maybe, but unlikely, simply because that isn't how divination works and I don't accept challenges like that anyway. When someone comes to me, they either trust me to work on their behalf, and so don't need anything proved to them, or they don't, and so I don't wish to work with them anyway.

Would you record your spells, rituals, evocations or spirit communications and show it to others? I have in the past, but there are many reasons I do not. Chiefly being, the older I have gotten and the further I have gone into my chosen traditions, the more secretive my methods have become, and I cannot reveal those. Plus, it's a logistical nightmare to store and send such things and I prefer simplicity in all things.

What would happen, if someone really recorded a demonic summoning? -Maybe nothing. Maybe you see something. Maybe the camera fries. Rituals aren't a blanket scientific experiment, they are personal, and so can't be covered by one broad question.

Can demons manifest in physical form, so that the demon will appear on camera? -Certainly. I've seen it many times and even managed it myself on occasion. But this is a rarity.

What is the importance of the location where you perform the spell or ritual? What if you perform a love spell in a cemetery, forest, mountain, riverbank, crematorium grounds, basement, crossroads, next to a fig tree, brothel, hospital, restaurant, warehouse, desert, valley, church or battlefield. Would the location affect the end result? -Again, this is a bit of a broad question. But ultimately, it depends on your practice. In some practices, location is the key ingredient. In others, it doesn't matter. But in a broad sense, if you protect yourself from the energy of your surroundings, then nothing will change. If not, then that energy would affect the ritual. And in those cases, logic is your best friend. Why do a love ritual in a hospital? Are you trying to attract a doctor? Or a patient? And again, why do it in a desert, a place barren and largely devoid of life? The energy of a location can affect a ritual without the proper precautions, and in those cases, you want to choose your location appropriately to your working or your tradition.

Could the dead souls in the cemetery make a love spell stronger? Would they do it on their own, so that you don't have to ask them to do so? They could, but why would they do anything on their own? You're already enticing them to appear because they don't want to just roam around, they're going to want bigger payment for bigger results.

If one of your apprentice or student would die before the training period is over, then would you continue to work with his/her soul in the spirit world? -I have discussed this with my students before, and I won't give away all the details, but the short answer is, yes, if they chose, we could continue their training in a necromantic fashion.

If you have questions like this, feel free to submit them, and they may make the next Q&A session!


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