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Candali: The Inner Fire

GTummo practice, also known as Inner Fire or Candali meditation, is a powerful technique that is said to help harness the body's subtle energies and increase physical and mental well-being. This ancient Tibetan practice is commonly associated with the teachings of Tibetan Buddhism and is often practiced by monks and other spiritual practitioners.

The primary goal of GTummo practice is to awaken the body's inner fire, or the physical heat that is said to reside in the area of the solar plexus. By harnessing this heat through various meditation techniques, practitioners aim to not only generate warmth in the body but also to purify and cleanse the mind and body of impurities and negative energy.

One of the key components of GTummo practice is the use of controlled breathing techniques. Practitioners often begin by focusing on their breath, taking slow and deep inhalations and exhalations to cultivate a sense of inner calm and focus. As the practice progresses, practitioners may incorporate visualization techniques to imagine a glowing ball of energy at the solar plexus, which is believed to be the source of the inner fire.

Through continued practice, practitioners are said to be able to generate heat in the body that can withstand extreme cold temperatures and even purify the body of toxins and impurities. In addition to physical benefits, GTummo practice is also believed to help cultivate mental clarity, emotional stability, and spiritual growth.

It is important to note that GTummo practice is considered an advanced meditation technique and should be approached with caution and guidance from a qualified teacher. It can be intense and challenging, and practitioners may experience physical and emotional discomfort as they work to awaken their inner fire.

Overall, GTummo practice is a profound and transformative meditation technique that can offer practitioners a deeper connection to themselves and the world around them. Through diligent practice and devotion, practitioners may experience increased health, vitality, and spiritual growth on their path to enlightenment.


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