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Attunement FAQ 2: Electric Bugaloo

Here we go: round 2! Since my last FAQ, I've received many more questions, so I want to address them as openly as possible. So let's dive in:

Q: Are the complicated rituals to receive the attunements?

A: That depends on what you describe as complicated. For me personally, the most complex rituals of receiving are in Kali Naga Shamanic Power, due to the days of meditation required to integrate the power; Universal Shamanic Empowerments, due to the various practices that are sometimes necessary; the Phurba Empowerment, which requires 180 days of consecutive Phurba rituals; and some of the things that are not publicly available. Everything else is fairly simple.

Q: Why do some empowerments have a bath ritual?

A: Generally speaking, this is a property of the Javanese initiations from Hari Andri Winarso, and the reason for this is because in that tradition, purity is necessary to receive the energy. Otherwise, you won't receive it properly.

Q: I don't have a bath. What do I do?

A: You can do this same practice with a shower. Just prepare a bowl of water the same as you would for the bath, and use that to wash yourself.

Q: That seems so complex. Can I skip the whole bath thing?

A: As my teacher said, "You can if you want to." To expand on this, you could try, but you won't receive the same level of energy. I don't recommend it.

Q: Is it hard to use the energies?

A: This depends on the energy. Some have complex rituals or lengthy mantras, while others require mudras, some are autonomous, others have activation phrases, and some are by intent. But, once you gain a bit of experience, it becomes easier to activate anything through will alone. Drisana also contains a Shakti that will allow you to do this with anything, and you receive it at level 1, so that is an option. I also teach these methods in my apprenticeship program.

Q: Is it worth the work?

A: You tell me. For me, it is, I value these energies. You have to decide for yourself whether the gifts given by these empowerments are worth the work to use them. My personal thoughts on this? Pick something relatively simple and work with it, and if it's pay off is worth the sacrifice, then explore more.

Q: Why can't I discount attunements?

A: They have a minimum fee. I can't go below that. If I wanted to, I'd have to mark up their regular price, say, 20%, and then could only discount them that much. So, I have them as low as I can, I promise. The exceptions are those without minimum fees, and those that I wrote. Those are able to be discounted. I also do BOGO on occasion, but that falls under a different sort of exchange.

Q: Can you teach me how to create my own attunements?

A: Yes! The basic information is in the psychic Wizardry course, and spread through various manuals from myself and Prajna Shiva Kalidasa. I also teach this in apprenticeship. I am contemplating an Attunement Creation class, but I haven't decided just yet.

That about covers it! I look forward to taking more of your questions soon!


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