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Advanced Vajra Initiations of Mahakali and Lord Shiva

I have recently acquired a number of new high level Candali empowerments, but due to their number, I simply cannot put all of their descriptions in the listing. Therefore, I have put them here. To purchase these, check them out here:

To receive these, you must be a Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo (or in some cases, White Mahakala Level of Sathya Tummo). If you are not, you can receive those initiations here:

Mahashiva Vajra Body: MahaShiva Vajra Body is the most and extremely powerful Vajra Armor for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that aligning and connecting you as Vajra Master with the higher frequency of Lord Shiva and get His blessing. MahaShiva Vajra Body will strengthen your physical and mental energy, so you can overcomes all problems in your life. It helps you to destroy the ignorance and removes the fear of all kinds. MahaShiva Vajra Body will protects you from any kinds of negative forces, protects you from accidents and miss-fortunes, and also removes all obstacles that come in your life. Because of them all, MahaShiva Vajra Body brings happiness and positivity, and brings success and prosperity to your life.

Rudra Maha Kavach: Rudra Maha Kavach has a powerful protection for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo. It has an extraordinary power to protects you against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. Rudra Vajra Kavach is also extremely powerful to weaken the magickal and etheric shield of

your enemies, and make them lose their power/abilities. It make your enemies becoming fear and very weak.

Mahadev Vajra Palm: Mahadev Vajra Palm are extremely effective to remove, and destroy any forms of dark-forces, evil eye, negative entities, black magick or psychic attacks, and any destructive forces. It will give you ability to removes, burns, and destroy all negative effects of black magick, evil spells, curses, negative spirits/entities, etc. And you can also use this Agni Astra Vajra Shakti to neutralize a haunted place and exorcism. Mahadev Vajra Palm is also powerful to destroy metaphysical powers and breaks or destroy spiritual/magickal shielding of your enemies. Mahadev Vajra Palm is also give positive energy whenever it has been hung up to ward off all the negative energy from that particular place like as your home, office, etc. It will take the negative energy by emitting protection and positive energy so that you and your places are will stay protected. Shortly, Mahadev Vajra Palm builds a powerful protection shield from any negativities.

Shiva Elements: Shiva Elements Initiation is an excellent and powerful initiation for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that aligning and creates a strong connection between you as Vajra Master with the higher frequency of Lord Shiva and get His blessing. Shiva is the "God of Destruction" and "Master of the 5 Elements", receive this Shiva Elements Initiation will open the divine channels and awaken the five elements energy --Earth, Fire, Sky

(Ether or Space), Water and Air-- within us. Shiva Elements will infuse and purify your energetic bodies with the energy of each element, and also purify all negative energies and diseases that connected with the 5 elements. So, it make your energy and energetic bodies stay pure and cleans. Shiva Elements will help us invoke and access the realm of Nature and Spirit within ourselves so as to more fully explore and understand our spirituality and fulfill our highest potential. All miracles happen through the Shiva Elements, and you will become an Ultimate Healer for yourself and others. The result of this process, the highest form of Divine Love is always attracted into your life. And when the bad karma are eliminated and you have purified, the good luck and good fortune begins to manifest easily and automatically. You may also experience greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities or deep knowing, slow down the aging process, high level creativity and charisma, feel internal peacefulness and happiness.

Pashupati Kundalini Vajra Siddhi: Pashupati Kundalini Vajra Siddhi are the powerful initiation for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo to awakens and rise the Kundalini through the Central Channel (Sushumna) to the Crown Chakra. The Kundalini energy will flowing to and through the major and minor chakras, flow to each organ, each tissue, each layer of our body, each cell of our body. This process will clean out any negativities, karmas and debris in your body and soul. And may also removes all the past life karma, which are bothering us now. Shortly, you will purified by this process! By receive this initiation, you will have a powerful ability to destroy all kinds of lower astral energies, any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons, also remove and eliminate curses and dark forces, including any kinds of their negative effects. It will also builds up an extremely powerful protection that protects you against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. This initiation is also give you a powerful spiritual healing ability to heals any forms of curable and incurable, and also clears all negativities. You can also use it to heals diseases that are caused by demons. You may also experience greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities

or deep knowing, slow down the aging process, high level creativity and charisma, feel internal peacefulness and happiness.

Kala Bhairava Vajra Initiation: Kala means March of time; Bhairava is a fierce aspect of Shiva, is the Lord of Time. Kala Bhairava Vajra Initiation is a great spiritual initiation for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that creates a strong connection with Kala Bhairava to transform your life. The power of Kala Bhairava Vajra creates unlimited fortune, success and abundance in your life. Kala Bhairava Vajra helps you to manifesting your goals, because this celestial energy will dissolve all bad times that lead to delays, disappointments, lack of clarity and absence of motivation, and protects you from all forms of negativity and anything that indicated become barriers for you to manifesting your goals. Kala Bhairava Vajra helps to accelerate success in any area of your life : job, finance or relationships. Kala Bhairava Vajra lives in the moment and his energy can be accessed every moment.

Unmatta Bhairava Vajra: Unmatta Bhairava Vajra Initiation is also a great spiritual initiation for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that bless you with a powerful speech and persuasion power. Ummata Bhairava give you a powerful communication skill. By Ummata Bhairava, You will have ability to make everyone loves to hearing your voice, because your voice will creates deep feelings of bliss and love in others. It will also helps you to develop and boost your social skills.

Chanda Bhairav Vajra Ritual: In the mystical realm of spirituality, there exist practices and rituals that are known to bestow profound benefits upon those who dare to tread the path of enlightenment. One such sacred ritual, known as the Chanda Bhairav Vajra Ritual, stands out as a potent means to achieve victory over adversaries and competitors. This ritual, however, is not for the faint of heart; it is reserved for individuals who have attained a certain level of spiritual mastery, specifically the 5th Level of Sathya Tummo and beyond. Benefits: Victory, Power, Protection, Spiritual Growth

Maha Shiva Vajra Shield: Maha Shiva Vajra Shield is the most and extremely powerful Vajra shield for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo. It aligning and connecting you as Vajra Master with the spiritual protection energy of Lord Shiva and get His blessing. Maha Shiva Vajra Shield is extremely powerful to protects you against the strongest supernatural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. Maha Shiva Vajra Shield is also has an ability to weaken the magickal, supernatural and etheric shield of your enemies, and make them lose their power/abilities. It make your enemies becoming fear and very weak

Maha Pashupati Vajra Palm: Maha Pashupati Vajra Palm has ability to destroy all kinds of lower astral energies, any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons, also remove and eliminate curses and dark forces, including any kinds of their negative effects. Maha Pashupati Vajra Palm has an extremely powerful protection energy that protects you

against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. This Maha Pashupati Vajra Palm is also has a powerful spiritual healing ability to heals any forms of curable and incurable, and also clears all negativities. You can also use it to heals diseases that are caused by demons.

Ruru Bhairava Vajra Shield: Ruru Bhairava Vajra Shield is a powerful Vajra Shield that become an invisible protection around you for protection against physical and psychic attacks and ambushes. Moreover this shield will throw back the psychic attacks to the sender. Ruru Bhairava Vajra Shield will protects you from hard diseases or health disturbances, accidents, and natural disasters. And may also help to overcome dark spells and curses, and also helps to dispel any form of sorcery

Shiv Shakti Vajra Tummo: Shiv Shakti Vajra Tummo is a high is a spiritual initiation for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo. This initiation will increases your Vajra Tummo energy to 10,080 times unfold to stimulates the Kundalini energy to awakens and rise the Kundalini energy through the Central Channel (Sushumna). When the Kundalini energy are raise by this Shiv Shakti Vajra Tummo, it will improves and amplify the concentration, improves your brain functions and strengthen the mind power. Shiv Shakti Vajra Tummo will open and activates your Third Eye Chakra, enhance your intuition, insight and brings you spiritual vision to helps you to overcome any problems in your life easily. It awakens the spirituality, and allows you to deepening and accelerates your spiritual practices It also expands the consciousness and increases your wisdom to the high levels. Shiv Shakti Vajra Tummo may also awaken a powerful spiritual healing ability within you, so you will have an ability to heals any forms of diseases and clears all negativities. It will works to removes all the blockages on physical, energetical and mental level. Shiv Shakti Vajra Tummo will give you long distance healing ability and hands-on healing with the same results, and the healing process will also provides a powerful protection for your and your client's energetic bodies.

Mahadev Prana Siddhi: Mahadev Prana Siddhi has a powerful spiritual healing ability to heals any forms of diseases and clears all negativities. It give you long distance healing ability and hands-on healing with the same results. It may also bring change in your consciousness, and will make you gain the highest consciousness. It will helps you to change any sides of your life, because you will have more healthier body, mind, and soul -- becoming more peace, wealthy, and moving you towards spiritual enlightenment.

Ruru Bhairava Vajra Body: Ruru Bhairava Vajra Body is a powerful Vajra Body for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that brings you as a Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo a high charisma power and a commanding presence/authoritative bearing, so you will be respected, honored, and feared by others. It will give you ability or power to influences and subdue the others, especially your enemies, doesn't matter even your enemies are very strong and courageous. Your enemies will lose their power/abilities, and then they are becoming fear and very weak. Ruru Bhairava Vajra Body may also become an invisible protection around you for protection against physical and psychic attacks and ambushes. Moreover you can send back the psychic attacks to the sender.

Shiva Mahadev Vajra Dhyana: Shiva Mahadev Vajra Dhyana is a powerful initiation for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that helps to destroy the ignorance and removes the fear of all kinds, because ignorance and fear is the roots of all problems in your life. Shiva Mahadev Vajra Dhyana will deepening and strengthen your meditation to remain inner purity and improves your spirituality to accelerates you to attain the higher level of consciousness and moving you towards spiritual enlightenment. By practices this Shiva Mahadev Vajra Dhyana, you may also experience greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities or deep knowing, slow down the aging process, high level creativity and charisma, feel internal peacefulness and happiness.

Shiva Vajra Chakra: Shiva Vajra Chakra has ability to weaken, make fear, and also destroy any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons. It will protects you from evil energy attacks, negative spells, curses, accidents and also disasters. It also give you a protection against psychic attacks, moreover you can send back the psychic attacks to the sender only by your mind. Shiva Vajra Chakra is also make you become feared by your enemies, and you have a special power to influences and subdue the others, especially your enemies, doesn't matter even your enemies are very strong and courageous.

Krodha Bhairava Vajra Initiation: Krodha Bhairava Vajra Initiation is also a great spiritual initiation for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that useful to overcome and removes all obstacles. It will help you when you are dealing with obstacles and or problems in your life that are stressful and difficult, Krodha Bhairava gives you the power to make potential and crucial decisions in life. It will helps you to unblocks your potentials and awaken the hidden potentials, and also frees yourself from all self-limitations.

Pashupati Vajra Siddhi: Pashupati Vajra Siddhi is a powerful ability to destroy all kinds of lower astral energies, any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons, also remove and eliminate curses and dark forces, including any kinds of their negative effects. Pashupati Vajra Siddhi has an extremely powerful protection energy that protects you against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. And also protects you from accidents and also disasters. Pashupati Vajra Siddhi may also give you a protection against psychic attacks, moreover you can send back the psychic attacks to the sender only by your mind.

Mahadev Vajra Chakra: Mahadev Vajra Chakra has an extra-ordinary power from Shiva Mahadev that very powerful to remove, and destroy demons, negative spirits, unwanted energies, djinn/genie, and any forms of dark-forces. It is also effective to remove and destroy any kinds side-effects of dark spells and curses, and also helps to dispel any form of sorcery. Mahadev Vajra Chakra will also protects you and yours from any kinds of negativities, evil spirits, evil eyes, curses, negative spells, black magick, nightmares, etc. It will also protects you from poison, accidents, natural disasters, miss-fortunes, and also removes all obstacles that come in your life.

Maha Pashupati Vajra Tummo: Maha Pashupati Vajra Tummo is an extremely powerful initiation for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that upgrades and strengthen the Tummo energy of Vajra Master to thousands times, and also creates a powerful energy pattern that highly effective to heals any forms of curable and incurable, and also clears all negativities. Maha Pashupati Vajra Tummo give you a powerful ability to destroy all kinds of lower astral energies, any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons, also remove and eliminate curses and dark forces, including any kinds of their negative effects. Maha Pashupati Vajra Tummo may also protects you against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. You can also use it to heals diseases that are caused by demons.

Rudra Mantra Maha Sadhana: The Rudra Mantra Maha Sadhana occupies a revered place in the practices of the 5th Level of Sathya Tummo, renowned for its deep healing potential. This ritual delves into the innermost recesses of one's being, unleashing a powerful surge of energy that permeates the spiritual system, rejuvenating the nadis (subtle energy channels), and expelling negative influences that can affect both physical health and mental well-being. Benefits: Cleansing, Protection, Growth

Shiva Chakra Vajra Dhyana: Shiva Chakra Vajra Dhyana is a powerful spiritual practice for 5th Level of Sathya Tummo that awakens and rise the Kundalini through the Central Channel (Sushumna) to the Crown Chakra. The Kundalini energy will also flowing to and through the whole and all parts of our energetic bodies. This process will clean out any negativities, karmas and debris in our energetic bodies. Shortly, you are purified by this process! This Shiva Chakra Vajra Dhyana will increase your personal authority and upgrade your self-confidence, also brings self-esteem. It is also helps you to develop a sense of courage, and embrace your bravery. You will have a strong mental and physical body. One of the results of this practice is you will has a powerful protection shield that protects you from evil energy attacks, negative spells, curses, accidents and also disasters. It also give you a protection against psychic attacks, moreover you can send back the psychic attacks to the sender only by your mind.

Kala Bhairava Vajra Chakra: Kala Bhairava Vajra Chakra has a powerful ability to helps you to manifesting your goals by dissolve all bad times that lead to delays, disappointments, lack of clarity and absence of motivation. It is also assist to accelerate success in any area of your life : job, finance or relationships. Kala Bhairava Vajra Chakra may also protects you from all forms of negativities and anything that indicated become barriers for you to manifesting your goals.

Maha Rudra Vajra Shakti: Maha Rudra Vajra Shakti is a powerful initiation of Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that give a powerful ability to destroy any forms of dark-forces, negative entities, negative spirits, demons, black magick, dark spells and curses. It will also destroy and devastated the supernatural or magickal shielding of your enemies, especially black magick shield. Maha Rudra Vajra Shakti will also protects you against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. It may also powerful to weaken, make fear your enemies, and you have a special power to influences and subdue the others, especially your enemies, doesn't matter even your enemies are very strong and courageous.

Shiva Mahashakti Initiation: Shiva MahaShakti Initiation is the a powerful initiation for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that helps to destroy the ignorance and removes the fear of all kinds, because ignorance and fear is the roots of all problems in your life. It helps to removes all obstacles that come in your life, and brings happiness and positivity, and brings success and prosperity. Shiva MahaShakti Initiation will protects you from negative influences of everything, protects you from any kinds of negative forces, and protects you from accidents and bad-fortunes. After receive this Shiva MahaShakti Initiation, we will always receive blessing and find divine grace of Lord Shiva.

Shiva Mantras Vajra Sadhana: The term "Vajra Sadhana" is derived from Sanskrit, with "Vajra" signifying something indestructible or diamond-like and "Sadhana" denoting a spiritual practice or discipline. In the context of Shiva Mantras, the Vajra Sadhana is a powerful technique that blends devotion, meditation, and mantra recitation to connect with Lord Shiva's divine energy. This Sadhana is not just about reciting mantras mechanically but involves a profound inner journey. It requires practitioners to focus on the qualities and attributes of Lord Shiva and immerse themselves in his divine consciousness. The practice aims to awaken and harness the latent potential within, making the individual spiritually resilient and capable of facing life's challenges with equanimity.

Shiva Pashupati Vajra Weapon: Shiva Pashupati Vajra Weapon is one of most powerful Vajra Weapon of Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo. This weapon has ability to weaken, make fear, and also destroy any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons. It also make you become feared by your enemies, and you have a special power to influences and subdue the others, especially your enemies, doesn't matter even your enemies are very strong and courageous. Shiva Pashupati Vajra Weapon are hundreds-fold powerful to protects you from evil energy attacks, negative spells, curses, accidents and also disasters. It also give you a protection against psychic attacks, moreover you can send back the psychic attacks to the sender only by your mind.

Rudra Shakti Vajra Kavach: Rudra Shakti Vajra Kavach is a powerful protection for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo. Rudra Shakti Vajra Kavach has an extraordinary power to protects you against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells. Not only protects you, Rudra Shakti Vajra Kavach will also removes and destroy all negative effects of black magick, evil spells, curses, negative spirits/entities, etc. Once it cures people from negative effects of past-attacks, it will protects the people from the future attacks. Rudra Shakti Vajra Kavach is also weaken the magickal and etheric shield of your enemies, and make them lose their power/abilities. It make your enemies becoming fear and very weak.

Shiva Shadow Vajra Initiation: Shiva Shadow Vajra Initiation is a great and powerful initiation for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that connected with the higher frequency of Lord Shiva, it provides powerful protection energy of Lord Shiva that will protects us and removes any obstacles of life, negativities energy patterns, negative spirits, black magic, curses, etc. So you will always feel safe, peace, happy and positive. You will be free from from all negative influences of everything, and always receive blessing and find divine grace of Lord Shiva. You will find many other benefits after you receive the initiation and works with this Shiva Shadow Vajra Initiation.

Maha Shiva Vajra Shadow: Maha Shiva Vajra Shadow is one of most powerful Vajra Shadow of Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that protects you from any dark-forces, negative entities, negative spirits, demons, black magick, dark spells and curses. It is also protect you from any forms of physical attacks and ambushes. Maha Shiva Vajra Shadow has a power to protect us from riots, mobs and aggressors attacking in large groups. Maha Shiva Vajra Shadow may also helps to overcome metaphysical diseases, like as getting diseases from black magick or interference by demons, evils, dark spirit. And may also give you ability to weaken, make fear your enemies, and you have a special power to influences and subdue the others, especially your enemies, doesn't matter even your enemies are very strong and courageous.

Shiva Mahadev Vajra Weapon: Shiva Mahadev Vajra Weapon is one of most powerful Vajra Weapon of Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo. This weapon has ability to weaken, make fear, and also destroy any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons. It also make you become feared by your enemies, and you have a special power to influences and subdue the others, especially your enemies, doesn't matter even your enemies are very strong and courageous. Shiva Mahadev Vajra Weapon are hundreds-fold powerful to protects you from evil energy attacks, negative spells, curses, accidents and also disasters. It also give you a protection against psychic attacks, moreover you can send back the psychic attacks to the sender only by your mind. It may also helps to purify and protects your life from any kinds of negativities that become blockages for your life progress, and then brings many positive things in your life.

Kala Bhairava Vajra Body: Kala Bhairava Vajra Body is a powerful Vajra Body for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that helps you to manifesting your goals, because this Vajra Body has a powerful celestial energy to dissolve all bad times that lead to delays, disappointments, lack of clarity and absence of motivation. It is also helps to accelerate success in any area of your life : job, finance or relationships. Kala Bhairava Vajra Body will also protects you from all forms of negativities and anything that indicated become barriers for you to manifesting your goals.

Rudra Shakti Robe: Rudra Shakti Robe is a powerful etheric tool for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo. Rudra Shakti Robe useful to protects and remove all negativities and malefic effects of various Planets. It will encourages health, wealth and prosperity, and helps you to achieve success in career, job, business and relationships. Rudra Shakti Robe brings relief and protection against various diseases and ailments. Spirituality, it will assist spiritual upliftment and attracts divine grace and blessings.

Pashupati Vajra Ritual: In the realm of spirituality, ancient rituals hold immense significance for those seeking protection, liberation, and transcendence. Among these sacred practices, the Pashupati Vajra Ritual stands out as a powerful tool wielded by the Vajra Masters of Sathya Tummo. Rooted in tradition and steeped in profound spiritual energy, this ritual offers a range of benefits that span from removing curses and dark forces to providing protection against supernatural entities and negative spells. At its core, the Pashupati Vajra Ritual serves as a beacon of light in the face of adversity. It holds the potential to eliminate the negative effects of curses and dark forces that may have plagued individuals, clearing their path towards a harmonious existence. By engaging in this ritual, practitioners can find solace in knowing that the barriers and obstacles hindering their progress can be effectively dismantled.

Shiva Sahasranamam Sathya Puja: Shiva Sahasranamam, a sacred hymn containing 1000 names of Lord Shiva, holds immense significance in Hinduism. It is revered as a powerful invocation to the divine energies of Lord Shiva. When combined with the Sathya Puja ritual, specifically designed for Vajra Masters of Sathya Tummo, it becomes a transformative practice that upgrades and strengthens their Sathya Tummo's energy. The pinnacle of this transformation is the attainment of the Golden Shiva Vajra Body—a state where the Vajra Master's inner fire is transmuted into a resplendent golden fire, exponentially enhancing its spiritual potency and efficacy.

Black Mahakala Vajra Ritual: The Black Mahakala Vajra Ritual offers practitioners a unique opportunity to connect with the deity Black Mahakala and harness his transformative power. With its emphasis on overcoming obstacles, cultivating inner strength, and purifying negative karma, this ritual holds immense significance for those on the spiritual path. At the core of the Black Mahakala Vajra Ritual lies the deity himself, Black Mahakala. He is a wrathful manifestation of enlightened compassion, symbolizing the ferocious energy necessary to annihilate ignorance and destructive forces within oneself. The ritual engages with this deity to invoke his transformative power, encouraging practitioners to confront and transcend their own limitations.

Shiva Vajra Fire Ritual: In the realm of esoteric practices, the Shiva Vajra Fire Ritual is an arcane and potent ritual reserved exclusively for those who have attained the esteemed 5th Level of Sathya Tummo. This ritual, shrouded in mysticism and ancient wisdom, bestows upon its practitioner the extraordinary ability to instill fear in their enemies and exercise unparalleled influence over others. Regardless of the strength or courage of your adversaries, the Shiva Vajra Fire Ritual equips you with the means to subdue and conquer. The Shiva Vajra Fire Ritual draws its power from the revered deity Lord Shiva, often associated with destruction and transformation in Hindu mythology. The ritual taps into this formidable force to facilitate the control and manipulation of your adversaries, making them cower before your newfound might.

Shiva Shakti Vajra Abhiseka: Shiva Shakti Vajra Abhiseka is a spiritual initiation for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that helps to aligning and connecting you as Vajra Master with the higher frequency of Lord Shiva and get His blessing. This initiation will activates and cleanses your chakras, so the Kundalini can moving up through the Chakras to the Sahasrara Chakra (Crown Chakra) in the top of head. When the Kundalini are awakened, it will revitalizes the mind and restore the senses, and also remove any blockages that becomes a barriers for your spiritual growth and realize the divine wisdom. Your spiritual improvement will accelerated, and it will bringing you to a higher level of spiritual wisdom and high levels of awareness. It will assist you to achieve illumination, self-realization, harmony, and enlightenment. Shiva Shakti Vajra Abhiseka brings a new great spiritual experiences, greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities or deep knowing, slow down the aging process, high level creativity and charisma, feel internal peacefulness and happiness. It will also provides powerful protection energy of Lord Shiva that will protects us and removes any obstacles of life, negativities energy patterns, negative spirits, black magic, curses, etc. And may also protects you form natural disasters, accidents, wild-animals.

Rudra Vajra Abhiseka: Rudra Vajra Abhiseka is a spiritual practice that cleansing and removes all negative effects of black magick, evil spells, curses, negative spirits/entities, etc. Rudra Vajra Abhiseka is also provides an extraordinary power to protects you against the strongest super-natural forces, negative powers, and reverse/break any forms of negative spells.

Mrithyunjaya Vajra Fire Ritual: The Mrithyunjaya Vajra Fire Ritual is a sacred ritual for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo. Crafted as an offering to the divine Shiva, this sacred ceremony holds the power to shield against impediments that obstruct a healthy, enduring life. The aspiration to conquer mortality resonates universally, and through this ritual, the prospect of triumphing over the inevitable becomes attainable. This practice not only promises an extended lifespan but also assures protection against untimely perils. The ritual's reverberations resonate through your surroundings, forming a formidable defense against illnesses and maladies. Experience the infusion of positivity and courage into your very essence, as it dispels incurable ailments that have long hindered your daily existence, enabling you to lead a life unburdened by dangers. Step into the realm of the Mrithyunjaya Vajra Fire Ritual and embrace the promise of an extended existence. Allow the encompassing energy of Shiva to enfold you, infusing your being with its boundless, all-encompassing potency.

Maha Kaal Bhairav Vajra Ritual: In the realm of mystical practices, the Maha Kaal Bhairav Vajra Ritual stands as a formidable force. Embedded within the tapestry of the esoteric tradition known as Sathya Tummo, this ritual holds a prominent place within the advanced levels of this spiritual path. Rooted in ancient Indian tantric practices, the ritual is believed to wield the power to eradicate adversaries through the invocation of Bhairav, the fierce aspect of the divine. Sathya Tummo, a spiritual journey of self-discovery and transformation, is characterized by its multi-tiered structure. As practitioners ascend through the levels, they encounter progressively profound practices and rituals. The Maha Kaal Bhairav Vajra Ritual is a closely guarded secret of the fifth level, accessible only to those who have attained a certain degree of mastery within the Sathya Tummo tradition.

Maha Kali Vajra Shadow: Maha Kali Vajra Shadow is a powerful Vajra Shadow that protects your physical, energetical, and spiritual body from all negativities, all physical, metaphysical, magickal dangers, evil forces, and also protect you from accidents and disasters. Maha Kali Vajra Shadow brings positivity and general protection in your life journey, brings many positive things in your life, such as bravery, peace of mind, success in any parts of your life, good health, etc.

Bhadrakali Maha Shadow: Bhadrakali Maha Shadow is a Maha Shadow for 5th Level of Sathya Tummo that has an extremely powerful abilities to removes demons, negative spirits, unwanted energies, djinn/genie, and any forms of dark-forces, also removes dark spells and curses, and also helps to dispel any form of sorcery. It will removes them and also any of their negative effects. It is also effective for clearings, cleansings, and purification. Not only for yourself or people, it will works also for an environmental, it will removes any form of negativities in your environment. Bhadrakali Maha Shadow may also has ability to influence everyone around you love looking up to you and get massive sympathy and respect, and also become famous wherever you go.

Bhadrakali Vajra Body: Bhadrakali Vajra Body is a powerful Vajra Body of Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that makes a Vajra Master become a magnet of money, walth and prosperity. It will attract money, wealth and good-luck constantly from all points and directions of the compass, and also realize your goals and wishes. Bhadrakali Vajra Body is also has a protection quality, because it will protects you from psychic attacks, black magick and any kinds of negative spells - And then reversing back to the sender.

Bhadrakali Maha Body: Bhadrakali Maha Body is a powerful Vajra Body of Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that give you a powerful ability to removes demons, negative spirits, unwanted energies, djinn/genie, and any forms of dark-forces, also removes dark spells and curses, and also helps to dispel any form of sorcery. It will removes them and also any of their negative effects. It makes a Vajra Master become a magnet of money, walth and prosperity. It will attract money, wealth and good-luck constantly from all points and directions of the compass, and also realize your goals and wishes. Bhadrakali Maha Body is also has a protection quality, because it will protects you from psychic attacks, black magick and any kinds of negative spells - And then reversing back to the sender.

Khatvanga Vajra Weapon: Khatvanga Vajra Weapon are powerful to destroy any forms of dark-forces, negative entities, negative spirits, demons, black magick, dark spells and curses. It is also helps to overcome metaphysical diseases, like as getting diseases from black magick or interference by demons, evils, dark spirit. You can also use this mystical weapon to clears and purify a place, environment, and situations from negativities. Khatvanga Vajra Weapon will also destroy and devastated the supernatural or magickal shielding of your enemies, especially black magick shield. There is no negativities and or Black Magick Shield can survive from these weapon. Khatvanga Vajra Weapon are also powerful to protects you from evil energy attacks, negative spells, curses, accidents and also disasters. It is also give you a protection against psychic attacks, moreover you can send back the psychic attacks to the sender only by your mind.

Mahakali Vajra Siddhi: Mahakali Vajra Siddhi acts as a profound shield for Vajra Masters of Sathya Tummo, granting them unparalleled protection from various forms of harm. Whether it be physical threats, metaphysical attacks, or magickal dangers, this practice acts as a steadfast guardian. By harnessing the energy of Mahakali, the fierce and compassionate Hindu goddess, Mahakali Vajra Siddhi establishes an impenetrable barrier around practitioners, deflecting negative influences and ensuring their safety. Moreover, Mahakali Vajra Siddhi possesses the remarkable ability to eliminate the lingering effects of black magic and malevolent spells. It serves as a potent antidote, cleansing individuals from past attacks and shielding them from future harm. As a result, Vajra Masters are free to navigate their spiritual journey with confidence, unburdened by the shackles of negative energies that impede their progress.

Mystical Kali Maa Vajra Armor: Mystical Kali Maa Vajra Armor is a powerful etheric armor that brings complete protection for Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo. This armor will protects a Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo from all kinds of lower astral energies, any kinds of unwanted entities, djinn/genie, or demons, and also helps to dispel any form of sorcery, dark spells and curses. Mystical Kali Maa Vajra Armor has ability to protects you as a Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo from all physical, metaphysical, magickal dangers, and also evil forces. It will also protect you from accidents and disasters. It may also brings perfect health to you and also remove the fear and worry in your life that become a blockage for you to manifest your wish or desires.

Kalika Devi Vajra Armor: Kalika Devi Vajra Armor has an extraordinary power purify and removes all negativities from physical, energetical, and spiritual body. There is no evil spirits, curses, black magick, negative spells has ability to touch you when this Vajra Body are activated. Kalika Devi Vajra Armor helps to protects you and makes you to be free from hard diseases or health disturbances. It brings many positive things in your life, such as bravery, peace of mind, success in any parts of your life, good health, etc.

Kalika Devi Vajra Body: Kalika Devi Vajra Body is one of the most extremely powerful of Vajra Body of Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo that make the Vajra Master to be free from hard diseases or health disturbances. Kalika Devi Vajra Body gives blessings from Goddess Kalika Devi and protection in your life journey. It brings many positive things in your life, such as bravery, peace of mind, success in any parts of your life, good health, etc. Kalika Devi Vajra Body will purify and removes all negativities from physical, energetical, and spiritual body. There is no evil spirits, curses, black magick, negative spells has ability to touch you when this Vajra Body are activated.

Bhadrakali Vajra Siddhi: Bhadrakali Vajra Siddhi has powerful abilities to to attract wealth and good-luck constantly from all points and directions of the compass. It will assist you to attain success and a higher social level in a relative short time. It will creates a powerful personal magnetism. Your charisma power becoming extremely strong, and you have a high level of charm that make everyone around you love looking up to you and get massive sympathy and respect, and also become famous wherever you go. Bhadrakali Vajra Siddhi is also powerful to removes demons, negative spirits, unwanted energies, djinn/genie, and any forms of dark-forces, also removes dark spells and curses, and also helps to dispel any form of sorcery. It will removes them and also any of their negative effects. It is also effective for clearings, cleansings, and purification. Not only for yourself or people, it will works also for an environmental, it will removes any form of negativities in your environment.

Kali Maa Vajra Chakra: Kali Maa Vajra Chakra has a powerful ability to protects you as a Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo from all physical, metaphysical, magickal dangers, and also evil forces. It will also protect you from accidents and disasters. Kali Maa Vajra Chakra helps to remove the diseases and brings perfect health to you. It will also remove the fear and worry in your life that become a blockage for you to manifest your wish or desires.

Dakshina Kali Vajra Tummo: Dakshina Kali Vajra Tummo is an extremely powerful initiation for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that upgrades and strengthen the Tummo energy of Vajra Master to thousands times, and also creates a powerful energy pattern that highly effective to purify you from any negativities and removes any negativities from your environments, then creates positive and harmony vibrations to the environment, and brings joy and happiness. Dakshina Kali Vajra Tummo helps to removes your fear and self limitation, brings you bravery and high spirit to walk in your life path. It will open and creates more opportunities for you to improves all sides of your life and assist to achieve a higher personality, spiritual, social level. Dakshina Kali Vajra Tummo will upgrades your spiritual healing ability to curable and incurable diseases. It give you long distance healing ability and hands-on healing with the same results. It may also brings you experience greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities or deep knowing. Dakshina Kali Vajra Tummo is also provides a complete personal protection for a Vajra Master and also all people around the Vajra Master. You will find many benefits of Dakshina Kali Vajra Dhyana.

Dakshina Kali Vajra Siddhi: Dakshina Kali Vajra Siddhi has a powerful ability to purify you from any negativities and removes any negativities from your environments, then creates positive and harmony vibrations to the environment, and brings joy and happiness. Dakshina Kali Vajra Siddhi helps to removes your fear and self limitation, brings you bravery and high spirit to walk in your life path. It will open and creates more opportunities for you to improves all sides of your life and assist to achieve a higher personality, spiritual, social level. It will upgrades your spiritual healing ability to curable and incurable diseases. It give you long distance healing ability and hands-on healing with the same results. Dakshina Kali Vajra Siddhi may also brings you experience greater sensitivity, higher energy levels, sometimes psychic abilities or deep knowing. Dakshina Kali Vajra Siddhi provides a complete personal protection for a Vajra Master and also all people around the Vajra Master.

Mahakali Vajra Tummo: Mahakali Vajra Tummo is an extremely powerful initiation for Vajra Master Sathya Tummo that upgrades and strengthen the Tummo energy of Vajra Master to thousands times, and also creates a powerful energy pattern that provides a complete and powerful protection because it will protects a Vajra Master of Sathya Tummo from all physical, metaphysical, and also magickal dangers. It will remove black magick and protects you also from accidents and disasters. Mahakali Vajra Tummo may also powerful to removes and destroy all negative effects of black magick, evil spells, curses, negative spirits/entities, etc. Once it cures people from negative effects of past-attacks, it will protects the people from the future attacks.

Kalika Devi Vajra Shield: Kalika Devi Vajra Shield is a powerful Vajra Shield that protects your physical, energetical, and spiritual body from all negativities, all physical, metaphysical, magickal dangers, evil forces, and also protect you from accidents and disasters. Kalika Devi Vajra Shield may also protects you from any diseases and brings perfect health to you, so you will be free from hard diseases or health disturbances. There is no evil spirits, curses, black magick, negative spells has ability to touch you when this Vajra Body are activated. It may also brings protection in every sides of your life and brings many positive things in your life, such as bravery, peace of mind, success in any parts of your life, good health, etc.

Maha Kali Vajra Shield: Maha Kali Vajra Shield is a powerful Vajra Shield that protects your physical, energetical, and spiritual body from all negativities, all physical, metaphysical, magickal dangers, evil forces, and also protect you from accidents and disasters. Maha Kali Vajra Shield brings you ability to heals any diseases and brings perfect health to you, so you will be free from hard diseases or health disturbances. It brings positivity and general protection in your life journey, brings many positive things in your life, such as bravery, peace of mind, success in any parts of your life, good health, etc.


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