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A Cleansing Bath

In the course of our daily life, we often pick up negativity, anger spirits, and otherwise cause surface damage to our aura. We can sustain this pollution for a time, especially those of us who have devoted themselves to developing their subtle bodies, but eventually, we all need to cleanse. Carrying this negativity for too long can cause our Magick to lose efficacy, our luck to fade, our protections to weaken, and more. To that end, I am sharing this simple cleansing bath with you so that you can clean yourself up a bit and get rid of that impurity. Should you do this daily? No! Daily cleansing is the equivalent of never going outside- sure, you don't get sick, but that's because you didn't develop the immunity by being exposed to the bacteria. You need the subtle opposition to develop your own will, or the first minor curse that rolls your way will floor you. With that said, here is the recipe:

1 gallon of water

1/2 cup of rosemary

1/4 cup of bay leaves

1/4 cup of white clover

1/4 cup of eucalyptus

13 pine needles

7 drops of lemon juice

The process:

Pour your water into a large pot and add your other ingredients. Bring it to a boil for a few minutes to allow the essence to infuse into the water. Strain the dry ingredients from the mixture and add the water to a drawn bath. Then, wash yourself with it. Run it over your whole body as you visualize the water clearing away any negativity. When you are done, drain the bath, and then take a normal bath or shower to wash away the herbal residue. The ingredients you strained out can be thrown out, or dried out and saved for a cleansing fumigating later.

I recommend doing this process at least once a month, or once a week if you deal with a lot of negativity during your day.

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Aug 19, 2024
Rated 5 out of 5 stars.

I love this thank you

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