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31 Days of Spellcrafting Part 2

Continuing on from my last post, here are the next spells from 31 Days of Spellcrafting:

Day 2: Protection Bowl

Given the amount of danger I see on a regular basis, I wanted to make second spell of my challenge a protection spell. Specifically, a protection bowl. This will be similar to the healing bowl I put together a while back for the Healing Bowl Empowerment. We'll start with a plain white bowl that you can buy from the dollar store. On the outside of the bowl, we will write the Barbarous Names of Isis from the Greek Magical Papyri. Specifically, PGM VII 490-504: LOU LOULOU BATHARTHAR THARESIBATH ATHER-NEKLESICH / ATHERNEBOUNI EICHOMO CHOMOTHI ISIS SOTHIS SOUERI, BOUBASTIS, EURELIBAT CHAMARI NEBOUTOS OUERI~ AIE EOA OAI. Then, on the inside of the bowl, we will mark the third pentacle of Saturn. On top of the seal, we will add Arnica, Cascarilla, Cinnamon, Vervain, Cloves, Allspice, and iron filings. Then, we create a petition. We name the people that we want covered under this hedge of protection we are casting, and we encircle that name with a prayer of protection. Spiral the prayer around the names three times so that they are completely encircled. On top of all this, we will pour a thick layer of black salt, which we will make by blending salt, pepper, charcoal, incense ashes, and iron filings. Then, we will place three black candles in a triangle, set into the salt. Light them as you make this call to Saturn over the whole thing three times: "Saturn, the edge of the firmament, the great leaden warrior. I call to you to set walls of lead around me, guard me from harm, and repel all who would bear arms against me. As I speak, so let it be." Allow the candles to burn down and keep the bowl in a safe place.

Day 3: Offering to Land Spirits

As much as I try to impress the importance of offerings to local spirits on my apprentices, you'd think I'd be doing them every day. However, at times, I get lazy, so I decided to put this into the 31 Days as a way to remind myself to consciously do them. So, my offering procedure: find the largest tree or bush on your property, or if nothing else, find an outdoor space where you can work. Have a bowl of water handy and present it to the spirits with this incantation:

"Spirits of sky and earth, my neighbors, those who owe debt to me and to whom I owe debt, to the angry and sad, I give you this gift. May it become clouds of delicious food and drink, a feast for the senses, and by this gift, may we remain allies. May all debts between us be settled and may we continue forward as partners in the sacred duty of stewarding this land."

Pour the water out on the roots of the tree, or onto the dirt, visualizing that as you do, it becomes a feast for all the spirits around you. You can sit in quiet commune for a time, or simply walk away. Either way, do not offer a dismissal- this is more their land than yours.

Day 4: A Candle to Encourage Discipline

Sometimes, I have trouble keeping up with my various commitments. I have quite a lot going on at any one point in time, so sometimes, I need some help to get those done. To that end, we evoke the essence of Saturn. The power of Saturn is, among other things, to hold us to our word. So, take a black candle and carve your name into the side of it. Dress it with a Saturn oil, which can be made in a Saturday with this formula:

4 ounces of almond oil

3 drops patchouli oil

3 drops vetivert oil

3 drops rue oil

3 drops cypress oil

Write out a petition paper with your commitments, and then write "By Saturn I Commit To This" in cursive three times around them. Do this in an unbroken circle, so that it is one ring of ink around the things you want to develop the discipline to do. Place this petition under a fireproof dish. Take your candle and focus on your commitments. Then say out loud:

"Great Saturn, who sits at the edge of the firmament, grant me the strength to see these seeds I have planted through to harvest. Guide me in ways to cultivate them into completion, and be the inspiration I need when I feel lethargic." Place the candle in the center of the dish and light it, letting it burn all the way out.

Day 5: A Love Spell

I know, I know. You would think I wouldn't need a love spell, and you're right. This isn't a spell to get love, but to strengthen a relationship. You can make the right alterations to this and make it into a love spell, but that isn't my goal. My goal instead is to deepen bonds that already exist, and keep the flame burning strong. For this, we start with a link to both parties in this spell and place them into a red pouch. Then, we tie the pouch to the Lovers tarot card with red ribbon and place it down in front of our fireproof dish. Taking a red candle, carve the names of both parties on the side, and a heart around them. Alternatively, you can use a red couple candle and carve names into the appropriate figures. Dress the candle with a relationship strengthening oil, made as such:

1/2 cup of coconut oil

9 drops each rose oil, carnation oil, and geranium oil

3 drops Cinnamon oil

Light the candle, and as it burns, chant:

"As the flame burns brightly in this candle, so to may the flame of our love continue to grow."

Chant this 9 times, and then let the candle burn out. When it is done, carry the pouch with with you and feed it every few days.

Day 6: A Silencing Spell

We occasionally discover that people are spreading rumors about us, and when this happens, we want to silence them. To that end, let's make a poppet. Start with black cloth, which you can cut out in the shape of a doll. Sew the two halves together and stuff it with Spanish moss. Insert a link to your target and seal it up. Sprinkle Tapa La Boca powder over the doll (equal parts alum powder, chia seeds, clove, and slippery elm, all powdered finely and mixed well), and then use pins to pin the mouth of the doll shut. As you do, chant:

"Your tongue is as lead. Your lips are sealed. Your words have fled. Your lies are revealed."

Leave your poppet somewhere dark and safe, and if you need to boost your work, hit it with more powder and burn a candle near it.

Day 7: Safe Travels

This one is pretty simple, but necessary. Take a square of orange cloth and draw the seal of mercury on it. On top of this seal, place calamus root, comfrey, lungwort, plantain, and salep. Fold the sides of the packet together and tie it with orange cloth, then hold it as you chant:

"Holy Mercury,

Messenger of the Gods and Guardian of Travelers,

Protect me from misfortune as I move about

And make my travels as swift as yours.

Show me the safest roads,

Guide me away from misfortune,

And bless me to encounter none that bear me ill will."

As you do this, visualize the planet Mercury filling your packet with vibrant orange light, pulsing with the divinity of both the planet and the deity.

And that's it for now! See you soon for the next portion!


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