31 Days of Spellcrafting, Final Part
Here we go, the home stretch! By the time I got here, I was exhausted, so I started leaning more into sigil work to get things done. But it's too fun of a method to ignore, so grab some chalk, markers, and pens for this last section!
Day 21: Solar Recharging: I picked this one up from Scott Cunningham's books years ago, and have made some slight alterations to it over the years. Using red, gold, or orange ink, draw the planetary square of the sun on one side of a piece of parchment. On the other, draw the seal of the sun. Into a bowl, place a small mirror. Sprinkle solar herbs over this, primarily calendula, allspice, and cinnamon. Place the seal on top of these and set it somewhere where it will be in full sunlight all day. As the rays of the sun enter the parchment, it will absorb the energy of the sun. Then, it will pass through the herbs and gather those energies as well. Reflecting back off the mirror, it will enter the other side of the seal, completely charging it. At the end of the day, retrieve the seal and meditate with it to absorb that gathered energy into yourself for a quick recharge. (With some subtle alterations, this spell can be done with the moon, planets, or any other celestial body to draw in that specific sympathy.)
Day 22: Crossroads Enemy Curse: to a black satchet, add a link to your target, black pepper, chili pepper, and rust scraped from an iron nail. Take this out to the nearest four way intersection and place the pouch in the center. You might want to take it down to prevent it from blowing away before it gets ran over. Just make sure that there is nothing sharp in the pouch that might pierce a tire.
Day 23: To bring Justice: This one comes in handy when you see a news story that needs a little bit of justice. Cut the article from the paper, or print it off the Internet, and cover the entire page with the rune of Tyr. Fold it up and bury it at the gates of a graveyard and call out to Tyr to bring Justice to the situation and see that the guilty parties are brought to the light.
Day 24: Manifestation of Desires: Create a sigil based upon your desires and what you want to manifest. Sprinkle a little sandalwood and dragons blood onto this sigil and fold it into a packet. Place this packet into a black mirror under the full moon and allow the rays of the moon to reflect off of the mirror, charging the packet from both sides. After this, carry this packet until you see Manifestation.
Day 25: To de-manifest something: This spell is similar to a banishing except that, instead of running something out into the either, you are willing it to leave existence altogether. On a black candle, carve the thing you wish to de-manifest into the side of a candle. This can be a friendship, bad habit, spirit, etc. on the other side, create a sigil from the word "de-manifest" and carve it in. This sigil must be unique every time you do this spell, as it will be unique to the situation. Burn the candle, as it burns, visualize the situation dissolving away.
Day 26: Moving Invocation: This one is useful when you need a bit of spiritual backing throughout your day, but I caution you against using this technique too frequently as it can lead to some major issues. Draw the seal of the spirit onto your body in permanent marker, preferably somewhere discreet such as over your heart. If the seal is not known to you, create one. Hold your hands over this seal and call out to the spirit, asking them to empower it and you through it. When you feel the seal begin to grow hot, the connection will be made, and you can go about your day. The seal will continue to flow energy into your body, allowing you to adopt those characteristics that would be useful to you.
Day 27: Vehicle Protection: This one is simple. Draw the Algiz rune onto a piece of parchment. Tie it to an iron railroad spike with black thread and place it in your glove compartment. You can use a protection oil to dress it for additional power as well.
Day 28: The Mirror Curse: this one is more of a method than a specific spell, but I've used it for a while with great success. Step one is to either create a sigil representing the curse you wish to cast on your enemy, or else find an appropriate demon. Step two is to get a small mirror and draw the sigil IN REVERSE on the mirror in thick black lines. It helps to draw the sigil on a computer and then flip the image. Finally, on a sunny day, go somewhere where the victims home is in sight. Use the mirror to catch the sunlight and reflect it onto their house, so that the sigil is cast in its proper orientation on their home. As you do this, infuse the mirror with your anger and your desire to curse them. Do this for several minutes daily for at least three days.
Day 29: To Empower a Previous Spell: this little bit of metamagick is one I developed a while back after studying various methods and a lot of experimentation. This requires two sigils, a transmitter and receiver. Design these in a way that makes sense to you, and in a way that complement each other. Then, when you perform your spell, attach the receiver sigil to it. This is best done by drawing it out and placing it under the previous working, or drawing it on somehow. This is especially useful to do with poppets, by drawing the sigil into the poppet. Then, go to the busiest intersection that you can access, at its quietest time. This is typically between 2 and 4 am, but that can vary based on your location. Using a paint marker, preferably one that won't be easily visible, draw the transmitter in the center of the intersection. The idea of this bit of sigil work is, the vehicles that pass over the sigil daily will empower the transmitter through their movement. The transmitter will send that energy back to your receiver, which will in turn empower your spell. (If you want to be extra, find some UV paint and mark your sigil with it. Invisible during the daylight hours, but has an etheric glow after dark.)
Day 30: House Blessing Simmer Pot: We like to do these around Christmas time because they smell christmasy, and we like the energy. Put a gallon of Spring water on the stove and add to it cinnamon sticks, cloves, allspice seeds, calendula, rose petals, orange peels, lemon peel, and mint, and then turn the stove on and let it boil. This combination brings in blessings for everything from wealth to love, and it infuses the air with this energy as the herbs boil.
Day 31: The Tarot Glyph: For this last one, I wanted something to help steer me through the next month. So, I did a tarot reading for what was coming. Then, I drew additional cards for advice going forward. I printed off copies of the two advice cards, cut them out, and glued them together, face to face. I left one side open to create a pouch, and into this opening I added some herbs associated with those cards. Then, I sealed that last side shut. I created a sigil using the names and symbology of those cards and drew it on both sides of this packet and buried it by my doorstep, where I will walk past it every day. At the end of the next month, I will dig it up and do a new spread for the next month to repeat the process.
And that's it! You can spellcraft for a month straight if you want. I encourage you, though, not to use these posts as a recipe book. Rather, use them as inspiration to forge your own spells, personal to your practice.
(P.S. if you don't know how to make a sigil, there are plenty of instructions on the Internet, including here on my blog. Look around and find the style that works best for you.)