The Ishaya's Ascension Process
From the founder:
As mentioned above, my teacher’s name was Shradha, and I called her “Shredder” instead. When she taught the first four attitudes Shredder would ask people what they called “God”, and everyone would say what it was for them. I would call it OM after our Cherokee concept of the Original Mind. So, anytime you see “OM” in the Attitudes below then feel free to substitute whatever you care to call the Creator, and it will be fine.
Here is how it works to get rid of previously
accumulated stress: Sit in meditation with your eyes closed, and either say or think the first Attitude, “Praise OM for my life”. Then, sit in silence until a thought comes along; witness it for what it is, and then repeat the attitude. Witness the next thought, and then repeat the attitude a third time. Then, when you have your next thought go to the next attitude until you have done each of the four attitudes for that level three times. Then, start over again with the first Attitude. Once, when I had gone a few minutes without a thought I decided that I was getting pretty good at it, and then I realized that I had just had that rather smug thought, did the next Attitude, and tried not to think such silly thoughts again. To keep from accumulating new stress then do the same process with your eyes open, and also set up a cue for you to automatically do another attitude. For example, I was driving about fourteen hours per day and covering thousands of miles each week. So, I decided that I would do an Attitude every time I passed another mile marker. Now, I still drive long distances to teach seminars, and still do this if I am alone in the car. I have a friend who is a nurse, and she does an Attitude every time she opens or closes a door, and every time she hears someone ask for help."
Prajna Shiva Kalidasa