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Shamballa Multidimensional Healing 1-4

Shamballa Multidimensional Healing 1-4


Shamballa MDF is actually a mechanism for Ascension!

Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing is similar to Reiki in many ways it is a form of energy healing that is effective and therapeutic. The energy of the Ascended Masters and the Mahatma Energy is combined with Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing so it not only works on the physical level but on all spiritual, mental and emotional levels.

Shamballa Multi Dimensional Healing is a complete system of energy used for healing and personal spiritual development. It is now available to all people of Earth. The Shamballa system is a revival of the ancient Atlantean healing arts brought forth by Ascended Master St. Germain. Master Germain used this same energy during his incarnation as a high priest in the Atlantean healing temples prior to the destruction of Atlantis. Reiki travels to wherever it is required in the body and energy field – so does Shamballa. Wherever you place your hands on the body, the energy will find its way to where it is needed.

Shamballa is a wonderful energy perfect for use for both the recipient and practitioner alike. A typical Shamballa Healing treatment takes about 10 minutes.

Levels 1-4:

The four Shamballa attunements open you to receive up to 352 etheric symbols (these are revealed in meditation or dream state to you intuitively). You don’t need to know all these symbols as they will come to the practitioner intuitively if they need to be consciously known.

You do not need to have been initiated into Reiki to learn Shamballa, although the two do work well together.

Some of the contents of manuals include:

Level 1:

Introduction from St Germain

What is Shamballa


Healing Sessions & Self Healing

Treating Other People

Treating Specific Diseases

Working with Animals and Plants

Heart Centre and Self Love

Physical Energy and Emotional Body

Where Emotions are Stored

Grounding and Centering

Twelve Chakras and Beyond P

Chakra Balancing and Spinning Page

Brain Balancing.

Level 2:

Reiki Symbols

Reiki Symbols & Shamballa

Shamballa Distance Healing Session

Send Energy Past Present Future or Multi-Dimensionally, Specific Issues & More

Level 3

Master Germain Speaks on Reiki and Shamballa

Why 352 Symbols

Working With the Ascended Masters & Map Healing Teams

Antahkarana Symbol

Abundance Symbol

Palm Master Symbol

Slice Burn Zap Healing Technique

Using Energy & Symbols

More on the 352 Symbols

Attunement Method (After Level 3 You may attune others)

Level 4

Mahatma Energy

Meditation to bring in the Mahatma Energy

Gaia Speaks

AA Michael On Cutting Karmic Ties

Meditation to Cut Karmic Ties

DNA Expansion & Activation

Quan Yin

Silver Violet Flame

Abundance Prayer

The Attunements

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