Part of the core practice of my order is the recitation of mantras. We perform hundreds, sometimes thousands, of these mantras per day. Because of this, we accomplish mantra Siddhi at a remarkable rate. Possessing mantra Siddhi allows us to give permission to use these mantras to others to use and benefit from. I have mantra Siddhi of many mantras, and I am able to give them to you. So if you wish to possess a mantra Diksha, choose what you want and I will help you.
Kurukulla- for seduction, enchantment, and magnetism
Kali- spiritual growth, evolution, empowerment
Long Life Mantra- for improved health and longevity
Vashikaran mantra 1- to cause a specific person to love you
Vashikaran mantra 2- to heal an existing relationship
Dzamballah- to draw wealth
Red Dzamballah- to improve business
This is just an example of the mantras we have. If the specific effect you see isn't listed here, or you aren't sure which to choose, contact me and we will find the right mantra for you.
You will receive the mantra written phonetically, and an audio recording of the mantra pronunciation, plus 108 repetitions of the mantra to pass the Diksha to you. You must listen to the entire recording to receive the Diksha transmission before beginning practice.
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