The Four Empowerments in this system:
• The Stealthy Awareness Empowerment – Awareness is the first law of survival, and being aware of everything around you, both spiritually and physically, without others realizing that you are so aware is the best guarantor of survival. Never let your enemy know what you know until you strike the blow that finishes off your opponent. This empowerment will hone your psychic senses so that every sense available to you spiritually, psychically and physically is heightened so that you will never be caught unaware in any situation, but on some level you will know all that is happening around you even when you are asleep, and this is especially true concerning your target or the enemy.
• The Subtle Ending Empowerment – The best and most subtle ending is the one where you accomplish your goal either spiritually or psychically, and then leave without anyone realizing that a deadly Ninja was even there. In the lower end of the sword in the pictures is a bamboo tube that can be used as a snorkel, but is primarily used as an assassination tool as is described above. This allows the Lady Ninja to seduce her target, have sex with him so that he is drowsy and goes to sleep easily, and then she kills him quickly and quietly unless he was able to receive the healing that was needed so that he would stop abusing the people before she slips away quietly in the night. This empowerment will help you to find those subtle endings for most of the situations in life that you encounter.
• The Power to Heal Empowerment – Every Sacred Prostitute has within him or her the ability to either heal or kill. Healing works best when the target sees the Sacred Prostitute nude, receives greater healing when either touching the Sacred Prostitute or being touched by them, and the greatest amount of healing comes through direct sexual intercourse. In many ancient earth-bases cultures this is the highest and most respected form of healing that there is, and that is certainly true of the Asaga Siddha Marg. While this will not be quite as strong as the empowerment a Sacred Prostitute receives while being Ordained, once you receive this empowerment then have sex with someone who needs some form of healing, and either say or think to yourself when you begin, “Sacred sex for healing”, and the energies will initiate while you forget about it and do your best to have fun and insure that both of you have an orgasm. It will work even if only you do, but it will be much more powerful for your target if both of you do, and since the energy passes through you to them then it is healing and empowering you too so go for all that you can get.
• The Power to Kill Empowerment – In the Cherokee Tribe, and also among the Ninja Tongs, everyone is a warrior first and everything else a distant second. And, whenever a warrior is not fighting then they do all that they can to bring peace and healing to the world so that they may possibly not ever have to fight again. But, that is not always the case. So, in this case the Ninja/Sacred Prostitute invokes “sacred sex to kill”, and then gives the target one last wild sexual ride which culminates when the target orgasms as this begins a process which over the next week will drain away the energies of the target’s root chakra, and will disconnect it from their source of power thus insuring death. However, if it will not work fast enough to keep them from harming the people of the area any further then more rapid means of killing can be used as the target sleeps following their sexual exertions. This empowerment activates the ability to literally use sex as a weapon, and very powerfully at that.
There are, of course, many other variations for these energies to be used in all of life both to aid society and to serve your own needs. Some people think that you should never use your magical abilities to benefit yourself, and yet they have no problem with being personally paid for the work that they do. So, when these cretins pop up and act all self-righteous about such things then ignore them and know that you cannot take care of anyone else if you do not take care of yourself.
Prajna Shiva Kalidasa