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Conditions of Service

1) First and foremost, we at The Dragon Shaman are legally mandated to remind you that everything on our site is to be considered for entertainment purposes only. Nothing here is meant to diagnose or treat a medical condition, and if you have a serious medical condition, we urge you to contact your doctor immediately. None of our services or product are meant to serve as legal advice. In this same vein, remember, when shopping here, you are paying for a product or a service, not an end result. As such, we offer no refunds on services rendered or products purchased. We only guarantee that we will perform the work requested, and provide you support to the best of our ability up to the capacity that we deem fit. Magick has no guarantees, and therefore we cannot give a 100% guarantee on your results. Sometimes, things simply don't go as planned, and this is an unfortunate truth. Descriptions provided on products and services are for their intended result and do not indicate a definite end result. We are not responsible for injury or injuries resulting from the use of our products or services. You must be 18 or older to purchase services or products from The Dragon Shaman.

2) Due to shifting schedules, the Dragon Shaman does not keep set office hours. Instead, we have days of operation. We are in the office Monday-Friday. Prolonged or timed work may be done over the weekend, but all correspondence will happen during the week day. Additionally, please allow 1-2 business days for message responses. Sending multiple messages only means your message is more likely to be buried. All alterations to normal business operation will be announced via the newsletter, so if you want to stay up to date, sign up today.

3) Concerning ritual work that is done, we have a set code of conduct concerning 'checking in' on work done. Once a ritual or working is completed, we may perform our own reading or examination into the case after the fact, and we may elect to share these results with you. We may ask you to update us after a set time at your discretion on the progress of your case. However, we will not constantly perform readings concerning this case. This violates the trust we place in our spirits to do their work, and often invalidates the spiritual contract with the spirit. If a reading is that important, however, we do offer divination services at a fee.

4) Concerning spirit communication, we no longer offer spirit communication services. This is not a process we will engage in, as there is no way to properly balance the investment of time and energy versus price.

5) Concerning free work, we have a few free services that will be given out upon request. And we are understanding people, in the case of financial burden we have a number of options, from payment plans, to donation based work, to simply free work. However, we do not appreciate having free work demanded of us, and we will not work for you if you do this. When we do a free service for you it is imperative that you understand the limits of that free work. We are providing a service at cost to us. That cost may be in time, mental, physical, or metaphysical resources that are not recouped in capacity during that service. If we are providing a free service the limits of that service must be respected then.

6) Concerning layaway and payment plans, we offer payment plans on practically any order you may have in the shop. Simply contact us and let us know. However, we typically request 15% up front to hold the order, and the order needs to be paid off within 3 months, otherwise we reserve the right to keep your payments without refund. However, things we have already discounted for our sale section, and package deals, are exempt from layaway. We already have these items discounted, and we offer coupon codes, to make them more affordable for you. All items on layaway must be paid off at their full, non discounted price. In a similar manner, expired coupons are expired. They are gifts, not rights, and should one reach its expiration date before it can be used, we will not be held responsible for replacing it.

7) We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason. We do not owe you an explanation. The process is very simple- if you are banned from the store, you are notified. Your emails are also reserved for future reference. If we choose, we may lift the ban in the future, but if the ban has not been lifted, any purchases made in the shop will be considered donations and will be used as such. 

8) We do not read on, work on, or examine work from other stores. The only exception to this rule is if there is an existing arrangement between us and the other shop. Otherwise, all such work will be refused.

9) The Dragon Shaman does not express or discuss politics. We will accept some work to affect politics to a certain degree, but what we will and will not do is entirely to our discretion, and any requests will be discussed at length before any agreement is reached. Attempts to violate our very strict No Politics rule can result in a warning or a ban, depending on the nature of the violation and the number of times we have to remind you. 

10) Occasionally we will bend our own rules in instances of financial burden, customer loyalty, and so on. The Dragon Shaman and his associates hold the rights to modify these rules on a case by case basis at our discretion.

© 2025 by The Dragon Shaman

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